Chatx Features
💬Direct telegram integration
Simply head over to and follow the steps to add the ChatX portal to you group. Start earning money today!
💵Trade access cards
Make money from the trading of access cards. Buy them just after they are released or at a low and sell them for a higher price.
☔Slippage protection
We know from DEXes such as Uniswap that slippage is extremely important to protect your trades. Unlike any other platform we implemented slippage protection for buys, and sells.
🤖Access card telegram portal
You sign-up your telegram channel on our website and simply add our bot to you group and you are ready to receive money from everyone who joins your chat!
🧑💻️Access card trading DAPP
We have a smooth trading DAPP where you can create your chat, browse all chats, and buy/sell your access cards.
💰Revenue sharing
Aside from Chat creators receiving a part of the trading fees you can also reap the benefits of our adoption by holding the chatX token
⚙️Fully customizable
When setting up ChatX for your group you can choose the pricing model that suits you:
static pricing, same price for every access card
linear pricing, linear increasing price of the access cards
quadratic pricing, quadratic increasing price (like
Unlike other platforms you can also set your own start price and slope! This may sound a bit technical but our DAPP will just show you want your prices will look like at the 1st, 10th, 100th and 1000th invite - easy!.
Last updated