How to buy
Buy at UniSwap
Our token is deployed at address 0x19B53cD4665ed434388a6De9d9eFfC4873C53B78
on the Ethereum Mainnet and is tradable on UniSwap.
As mentioned in tokenomics we have a 5% buy and sell tax so when buying use a slippage of 5-8%, depending on the trading volume. If you are not familiar with buying a token on a DEX, take a look at a tutorial like this one.
We have renounced the token contract and locked the liquidity. Please see the links below for more information:
Token address: 0x19B53cD4665ed434388a6De9d9eFfC4873C53B78
Liquidity lock: Unicrypt link
Renounced: Tx link
Last updated